Linggo, Agosto 9, 2015

History of Educational Technology and Information and Technology Communication Revolution

History of Educational Technology and Information and Technology Communication Revolution

Philippine education is patterned after the American system, with English as the medium of instruction. Schools are classified into public (government) or private (non-government). The general pattern of formal education follows four stages: Pre-primary level (nursery, kindergarten and preparatory) offered in most private schools; six years of primary education, followed by four years of secondary education.
College education usually takes four, sometimes five and in some cases as in medical and law schools, as long as eight years. Graduate schooling is an additional two or more years. Classes in Philippine schools start in June and end in March. Colleges and universities follow the semestral calendar from June-October and November-March. There are a number of foreign schools with study programs similar to those of the mother country. An overall literacy rate was estimated at 95.9 percent for the total population in 2003, 96 % for males and 95.8 % for females.

Educational Technology evolves over time. It develops and help us in many ways especially our teachers and as well as, us a student. Astime passes by it improves and also improves our way of living. Edtech is very important today in teaching learning processes and everywhere.

Sabado, Agosto 8, 2015


Lesson 9: Computers as Information and Communication Technology


 Computer assisted instruction (CAI) was introduced using the principle of individualized learning through a positive climate that includes realism and appeal with drill exercise that uses color, music and animation. The novelty of CAI has not waned to this offered by computer-equipped private schools. But the evolving pace of innovation in today’s Information Age is so dynamic that within the first decade of the 21st century, computer technology in education has matured to transform into an educative information and communication technology (ICT) in education. Instructional media consist of audio-visual aids that served to enhance and enrich the teaching-learning process. Examples are the blackboard, photo, film, and video. Educational communication media comprise the media communication to audiences including learners using the print, film radio, and television or satellite means of communication.  


            Computer assisted instruction help students in learning process. When I was in high school we are taught to use some basic applications use for reports, paperwork and other projects. This were excel, word, power point presentations and many more. Even without the access of internet we still can use the computer through these programs.


            Computers today are now very important in teaching and learning process. It makes it more easier work to do. It put students in discovery learning. They can develop their skills and abilities in learning process.

            Computer assisted instruction is very important in learning, it is use as a teaching aid to make teaching more effective especially to the 21st century teachers and learners. Computers can also be use in home, office and everywhere. It is use as a means of communication.


Miyerkules, Agosto 5, 2015


LESSON 8 : Higher  Thinking Skills through IT Based Projects


            This lesson tackles about the higher thinking skills through information technology projects. It has three key elements of constructivist approach, (1) Teacher creating the learning environment, (2) Teacher giving student tools and facilities, and lastly (3) Teacher facilitates learning. Information Technology based projects is very conducive to develop higher thinking skills through this students will be creative and they will go more deeper on what they learn. Resource based projects also use to help students. This are the general flow of events: (1) Teacher determines topic for examination of class. (2) Teacher present the problem, (3) Students firn information, (4) Students organize information. In this way students will be independent in learning. Teacher will be just a mentor and a facilitator in a class, students will be expected to discover answers by themselves. The central principle is to make students go beyond textbook and curriculum. The inquiry based approachor the discovery approach is the approach used by the teachers in order to help his/her students in learning process.
            We all know that the teaching and learning nowadays changes. From the traditional approach to resource based learning, students become more motivated to learn. In traditional approach teachers is the expert and information provider, textbook is key source of the information, product is the be-all and end-all of leaning and assessment is quantitative. While in todays generation which uses the resource based learning model, the teacher is guide and facilitator, sources are varied, it focuses on learning inquiry, it emphasizes on the process and assessment is both quantitative and qualitative.


            As what I have experience, when I was in grade school our teacher help us one on one on our learning process, compare to my sister who is in grade school today they are the one who discover the answer, they have this mini experiment, field trips and many more in which students were free to interact with its other students. They are more student centered approach. When I was in high school that was the moment when I experience the resource based approach, our teachers let us to look for answers and they are just guide and facilitator. It is more amazing today’s approach that was use because students are involves and there is a big change where students learn more that the traditional way of learning.


            As a future teacher, we must change the way, the approaches and the teaching styles we will use since students nowadays are changing and developing. There are more cooperative, participative, more motivated to learn.


            There is lot of teaching strategies today to help our learners to be higher thinkers. We must help them that will develop more their thinking skills using resource based projects. Software’s and applications online can be utilized. Traditional way is good but we must help our student’s to become more globally competitive. 


Lesson 7: Evaluation of Technology Learning


            The standard student evaluation of learning must change. This is justified by the fact that not only has the new generation changed into digital learners, but the traditional world has metamorphosed into a digital world. Teachers must adopt a new mindset both for instruction and evaluation. Evaluation must be geared to assessment of essential knowledge and skills so that learners can function effectively, productively and creatively in a new world. It must use evaluative tools that measure the new basic skills of the 21st century digital culture, namely: solution fluency, information fluency, collaboration fluency, media fluency, creativity fluency and digital citizenship. These six fluencies reflect process skills. On the other hand,   the change in evaluation approach is referred to as mass amateurization, a term which implies a mass reach of student outputs. Our teacher and we wants to be flexible, analytical and creative in our own way of teaching in teaching process. Teachers facilitate and evaluate us with the use of technology learning. For attaining the goals of teacher and students teaching process, the evaluation of technology learning helps us to know the use of computer-based technologies as an integral support to higher learning process. In our modern world of teaching, digital technologies is very important tool especially in educational technology subject. We use technology not only for fun but also for academic purposes. Now a day, many efficient teachers use the modern technologies in computing grades, power point presentation with the help of educational media. The learning from verbal-textual text to digital world is become complex in the old generation compare to the new generation who equip in the use of modern technology. Although some teacher in rural areas of school. The use of digital in teaching is fewer. Above them all the most important thing in evaluation of technology learning is the proper way of usage of educational media and to learn to use and evaluate the outcomes.


            This teaching learning’s was change due to several factors. Way back in my high school years our teachers use Microsoft excel to compute our grades, an easy way. Both teachers and students use power point presentations to report a topic. There were also applications or software’s which use by teachers to assess their students. In that way students will really involve in learning, there will be fun after all the learning’s and it will be less hassle to the part of their students.


             Technology really helps the way of teaching and learning processes. It became more easier, more convenient. It became a great help to develop the teachers way of teaching and the students way of learning, gaining knowledge and acquiring skills. But the usage of technology has a limitations, we should always bear in mind its advantages and disadvantages. We should use it in a proper way.

            There are lot of technologies to implement a teaching successfully. A lot of softwares and applications that can be use as an assessment ans evaluation to our students. In that way they can also develop their basic digital skills. Technology nowadays become instructional materials. They are need in educational processes. 


Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills


            This lesson talks about developing digital skills for digital learners. There are three basic literacy’s the reading, writing and arithmetic, these basic skills cannot be replaced. There are six basic digital skills that every student nowadays must acquire. These are solution fluency, information fluency, collaboration fluency, media fluency, creative fluency and digital ethics.  Solution Fluency refers to the capacity and creativity in problem solving. It requires whole brain thinking executed when students define a problem, design the appropriate solution, apply the solution, and assess the process and result. Information fluency involves 3 subjects of skills: a.) An ability to access information. Access may involve not only of the internet, but either sources like CD-ROM software. b.)An ability to retrieve information .May includes not only texts but images, sound and video. c.) An ability to reflect on, assess and rewrite for instructive information packages.  Collaboration Fluency refers to teamwork with virtual or real partners in the online environment; there is a virtual interaction in social networking and online gaming domains. Media Fluency refers to channels of mass communication (radio, television, magazine, advertising, graphic arts) or Digital sources. There is a need for an analytical mind to evaluate the message in a chosen media, as well as creative ability to publish digital messages.  Creativity Fluency adds meaning by way of design, art, and the story –telling to package a message. Templates for ppt. and blogs are available for free access in the internet Font, color, patterns are elements to creative fluency Digital Ethics refers to guided by principles of leadership, global responsibility, environmental awareness, global citizens and personal accountability. In this chapter also we review the higher thinking skills that were proposed by Bloom that can serve as a general framework of skills, a new era of creativity in this new digital world.
            I acquire some of these basic digital skills since I start to study the computer when I was in grade four. When I was also in high school this basic digital skill was taught to us. We learn how to solve problems, we also learn to use technologies and in that way we learn to interact to our classmates, we also learn to be artistic in our own little ways and even good ways to handle things. Eventhough this skills were taught to us we still need to develop this things in order to become fluent in using some new technology in teaching and learning process.

            Learning the basic digital skills is very important for us especially to the new generations. We are living in this dynamic world, everything is changing. Sooner in teaching and learning process instructional materials will be change to high technologies which we need higher mastery of skills. In order that we can teach our students effectively we need to develop such skills. These students has different learning styles thus we teachers must change also the way we teach , in a way that they will be more motivated and they will find interest in studying or listening to your lessons.


            Basic Digital Skills will help us sooner in our degrees. It is only a stepping stone to achieve and learn new things. We can use these skills in our daily lives, we can also share this to our future students so that they will develop and use such skills. 


 LESSON 5: Preference of Technology Generation


            What the old generation likes may not be the same as what the new generation prefers in their life, work and leisure. Sad to say, much of the good things enjoyed by elders when they were students are no longer available to the new generation. The state dictates educational priorities based on perceptions on the country’s need to strengthen its agricultural, business or industrial economy. In the field of education, it is important that critical differences in perception between old and young which create a generation gap need to be discussed.

*Texts versus Visual
- in order to research, we are going to the library, use the card catalogue for needed books, and sign up to borrow books for home reading. Nowadays, we are now exposed to the new technology in such manner that their visual fluency or abilities have been sharpened and enhanced.
*Linear versus Hyper media- before, they obtained information in linear, logical and sequential manner. Nowadays, we were access to hyperlinked multimedia digital information.
*Independent versus Social learners- experts describe this mode of digital learning as one that based on experimentation, discovery and institution.
*Learning to do versus learning to pass the test-the old teachers teach students in order to help them pass tests. On the other hand, the new digital learners simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge and habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn.
*Delayed rewards versus instant gratification-the traditional reward system in education consists the grades, medals or certificates. On the other hand, the instant gratification consist an immediate scores from games.
*Rote memory versus fun learning-
it’s about learning and memorization, while the other is through fun learning.

In sum, teachers need to connect with digital learners, and not think of them as entering their past-30 years old traditional world. While there are apparent setbacks or limitations to digital learning, there are opportunities to tap through:

*visual learning
*hyperlinked multimedia
*problem-solving activities

            When I was still in high school I experience such things. Our teacher is so left behind that she even doesn’t know what are our interest and needs and because of that we find her class as very boring. She is more on lecturing, reporting and paper and pencil test. The other of mine also is aware of what we really need to be motivated in learning, she has different teaching styles that make us interested to listen, and she has different kind of assessment that we find it as fun. There are really a big difference between a traditional learning and the new way of learning. It is not applicable to use the old way.

            As a future teacher, we really need to understand our student’s capabilities, needs, interests and their readiness to learn. They will not just go to school to learn but to help bring those learning’s forever, it must be fun all the way. We can also go for some seminars and lectures that will help us to fully understand our students. Our way of education is rapidly changing because of the help of these instructional materials the technology.


            Well as a future teacher, we can use this as we will teach our students we must be open minded.  Student nowadays not only look for knowledge they are into the skills they want to learn. We must help our students to acquire both knowledge and skills.