Martes, Setyembre 22, 2015



For yearstablets have enriched our lives at work and at home, allowing us to stay connected and access information with unprecedented ease. But they’re also playing a growing role in the classroom, upending traditional models of learning. Can mobile devices reshape education for the better?  Any parent can tell you that kids are prone to distraction, especially when you put mobile devices in their hands. Yet, research from Project Red suggests that in a classroom setting these technologies can have the opposite effect, helping young students engage with academic subjects and making them more eager to learn.That’s one of the reasons why educators are beginning to embrace tablets as learning tools.“Schools are definitely adopting mobile technology for students across the board,” said Elizabeth Crawford, who handles education marketing and strategy at Intel. “The concept of 1-to-1 computing, in which every student has their own device, and the bring-your-own-device-to-school models are at the center of this. It’s impacting how students learn today.”Integrating mobile devices in the classroom means using the technology in brand new ways to teach students digital literacy, how to navigate social media, and how to share content with the world.“It’s preparing them with the 21st century skills they’ll need in today’s workforce,” said Crawford. “Part of it is being able to look at information on the Internet and have the critical thinking skills to interpret it and be proficient in understanding it.”Intel’s Teachers Engage program works with a community of educators to expand opportunities for tech-assisted learning, and aids with curriculum, assessment, and professional development. One of its goals is making sure teachers are comfortable not just using the devices in their classrooms but also embedding them in the learning process.
The program focuses on delivering the “four Cs” to K-12 students: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.Tech integration in the classroom has already yielded tangible benefits. More than simply replacing the need to carry around textbooks, mobile devices can make a powerful impact on students’ performance. Project Red found that schools with a properly implemented 1-to-1 model have seen significant increases in test scores and graduation rates, and dramatic reductions in disciplinary actions and dropout rates.“We need to look at examples of how this technology is working really well and understand the changes that are possible,” said Crawford. “Graduation rates go up, behavioral problems go down, and students tend to be more engaged in their learning — they’re not bored. Students are actually excited to use the devices. It’s a totally different classroom than the one from the past.”
(Chambers, 2014)

            I have no experience about this but, today lot students use tablets as their textbook. It is very easy and convenient to use. They download electronic books as a reference.
            Time is changing. Everything change from the traditional one to the information age. It is very good since it makes the teaching and learning process more interactive and students become more motivated and interested to learn. Students also develop some skills which will help them in learning process.
            In the future, schools will use tablets as a textbook because it is easy to use, though it is expensive it can help both the teachers and the students in the teaching and learning process. But still I believe that textbook is still very useful because of its reliability and it has more advantage than the tablets.



Essential requirements for the ET 2 practicum phase:
·        A computer laboratory
·        Participation of computer lab tutor/assistant
·        Assigned numbers of hours in conformity with the course requirement
The practicum phase consists in:
1.     Basic Microsoft Word (6 hrs.)
-they will be taught to type, edit and format texts, sentences and paragraphs
·        Microsoft word menus and toolbars
·        Creating, formatting, editing and saving documents
·        Assigning page layouts
·        Inserting tabs and tables
·        Templates and Wizards
·        Printing
Upon successful completion the learner shall be able to:
·        Create, open, and save word documents and files
·        Insert graphics, tables and charts in documents
·        Manage files and folder
·        Apply format on the text, sentences and paragraphs
·        Interlink documents
·        Create standard documents using template

2.     Microsoft PowerPoint
-         It will train the learner to prepare PowerPoint presentations to enhance the teaching of subjects.
·        PowerPoint fundamentals
·        Enhancement of PowerPoint presentation with the use of graphics, charts, audio and video
·        Using templates and masters
·        Presenting and printing a slide shows
At the end of the tutorial, the learner will be able to:
·        Create and open PowerPoint presentations
·        Insert objects, pictures, graphics, charts, audio and video to create effective presentations
·        Use the templates to enhance the presentations
3.     Internet as tool of inquiry
Course coverage:
·        Accessing the Internet
·        Use of Internet tools
·        Search techniques
At the end of the tutorial, the learner will be able to:
·        Search and retrieve information from the Web
·        Acquire skills in locating appropriate information on the Internet
·        Acquire ability to use Internet tools such as search engines
·        Gain knowledge of search techniques such as browsing through an information tree

·        Learn the ability to execute the search

                I already know these things when I was in grade school since our school offers computer subject that time. This is still very important in making paper works, reports and other requirements in schools. Teachers also use this to implement their instruction effectively depending on their subject matters.


                It is very important in our education since it is used in many areas. This makes our work more convenient, faster and easier. Future teachers must also be aware and they should know these thing in order that they can use this in teaching scenarios. 

                This can be really use in the classroom setting both the teacher and student use this to make paper works, reports, projects. Still in the future.  there will be more innovations which will improve education and students learning. 



            The Internet, also simply called the Net is the largest and far-flung network system of all systems. The Internet is not really a network but a loosely organized collection of about 25,000 networks accessed by computers on the planet.  Everything is coordinated in the Internet through a standardized protocol called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). To gain access to the Internet, The computer must be equipped with what is called a Server which has a special software program that uses the Internet protocol.    The great attraction of the Internet is that once the sign-up fees are paid, there are no extra charges. E-mail for example is free regardless of amount use. The vast sea o information now in the Internet is an overwhelming challenge to those who wish to navigate it. The most attractive way to move around the Internet is called browsing. Using a program called the browser, the user can use a mouse to point and click on screen icons  to surf the Internet, particularly the World Wide Web, an Internet's subset of text, images and sounds are linked together to allow users to access data or information needed. Educational software materials have also developed both in sophistication and appeal. But the real possibility today is connecting with the world outside homes, classrooms and Internet cafes. Today schools are gearing up to take advantage of Internet access.

                Today almost every one of us uses internet in order to gain information easily and faster. As a student’s it help a lot in looking for great resources around the globe. In just one click we can access some reliable sources with great person. It is also a way where teachers use it as an instructional media.

                We are very lucky to have internet because it help us to connect around the world.  We can connect to different person in different places in the world. We should use internet in a way that it has a good effect to all of us. But some students use this as an advantage, for example copy and paste information and not using the real author.

                Internet has a very big role in education. Through internet teachers can use this as a strategy to help their students learn. There are many applications in the internet which is very interactive and it can motivate students to learn in a fun way. 

Lunes, Setyembre 21, 2015




                Hypermedia is nothing but multimedia, but this time packaged as an educational computer software where information is presented and student activities are integrated in a virtual learning environment. Most educational IT applications are hypermedia and these include:
Tutorial software packages
Knowledge webpages
Simulation instructional games
Learning project management, and others
The presentation of information-learning activities in hypermedia is said to be sequenced in a non-linear manner, meaning that the learner may follow his path of activities thus providing an environment of learner autonomy and thinking skills.
Characteristics of hypermedia applications:
1. Learner control- the learner makes his own decisions on the path, flow of events of instruction.
2. Learner wide range of navigation routes- the learner has a wide range of navigation routes such as by working on concepts he is already familiar with. He may even follow a linear or logical path, even if the previous activity is half-completed. He may explore other sections opting to return or complete the previous activity.
3. Variety of media- Hypermedia includes more than one media (text, graphics, audio, animation and video clip) but does not necessarily use all types of media in one presentation. Since only virtual learning activity takes place, it is important from the standpoint of the teacher to optimize the learning process by identifying the characteristics of media application, as well as the advantages and limitations of such an application.


                We live in a world where different technology were discovered and was used in order to make our life better. During my high school and even grade school years we experience that our teachers use some multimedia in order to implement instructions. These was use to help students understand the lesson.

                We are very lucky to live this new generation. Because of this different multimedia students are more likely to understand the lesson and teachers deliver the lesson well where they gather student’s attention. Students become interactive and motivated to learn.

                There is much software that now available in the internet. As a future teacher it is our responsibility to search for ideal software that we can use in a subject matter it should with it.  This different softwares should be used to deliver or implement our instruction well. 




There are two kinds of software:
1. The system software. This is the operating system that is found or bundled inside all computer machines.
2. The application software. This contains the system that commands the particular task or solves a particular problem. Also referred to as program, Microsoft Windows or Windows for short is an operating environment between the user and the computer operating system. Also called a shell, it is a layer that creates the way the computer should work. Windows uses a colorful graphics interface (called GUI – pronounced “gooee”) that can be seen on the computer screen or monitor whenever the computer is turned on.
 The user can work with on-screen pictures (icons) and suggestions (menus) to arrive at the desired software. Windows 95 (now improved with Windows 2003 and 2007) is software designed for Microsoft Windows. Actually, Windows is in itself a self-contained operating system which provides
Instructional Software
 Instructional software can be visited on the Internet or can be bought from software shops or dealers. The teacher through his school should decide on the best computer-based instructional (CBI) materials for the school resource collection. But beware since CBIs need much improvement, while web-based educational resources are either extremely good or what is complete garbage.


            This software’s were very important to both the teachers and students. Students use Microsoft for example to make some requirements and also power points to report a topic. at the same time teachers also use this software in the same way. Also teachers use Microsoft excel to compute grades easily. There are also other software’s that teachers use to implement instruction effectively and also students to understand their lesson well.


            These softwares are now part of education. It helps a lot to teaching and learning process.  As a future teacher we need to learn some updated and useful software’s that can be use in our teaching process to gain our students attention. It is our job to help them learn.


            Those software’s can be use in the teaching and learning process effectively and students will be more interactive, motivated and they learn while they having fun. There is much software that can be use in the teaching process



Cooperative or collaborative learning is learning by small groups of students who work together in a common learning task. It is often also called group learning but to be truly cooperative learning, 5 elements are needed:
1. common goal
2. interdependence
3. interaction
4. individual accountability
5. social skills

Cooperative Learning and the Computer 
Researchers have made studies on the learning interaction between the student and the computer. The studies have great value since it has been a long standing fear that the computer may foster student learning in isolation that hinders the development of the student's social skills.
Now this mythical fear has been contradicted by the studies which show that when students work with computers in groups 

Components of Cooperative Learning

Education are still wary about the computer's role in cooperative learning. Thus they pose the position that the use of computers do not automatically result in cooperative learning. There therefore assign the teachers several tasks in order to ensure collaborative learning. These are:

1. Assigning students to mixed-ability teams

2. Establishing positive interdependence
3. Teaching cooperative social skills
4. Insuring individual accountability, and
5. Helping groups process information

This is very effective as a student because we can be motivated to do work together with groups. I experience this kind of strategy during my high school and college years. I am more confident to work with my groups using some advance technologies.

            Through this computer students become more motivated to learn with our groups. We develop the relationship with other. We develop confidence. Students more likely to learn more and in the same time they develop cooperation.  


This kind of strategy can be use as a future teacher. This was also established nowadays. This is effective because students become interact more in a group setting they are more confident to work with groups. 



  The idea of student-centered learning is not a recent idea. In fact, as early as the 20th century, educational educators such as John Dewey argued for highly active and individualized pedagogical methods which place the student at the center of the teaching-learning process.The Traditional ClassroomIt may be observed that classrooms are usually arranged with neat columns and rows of student chairs or desks, while the teacher stands in front of the classroom or sits behind his table. This situation is necessitated by the need to maintain classroom discipline, also allows the teacher to control classroom activities through lecture presentation and teacher-led discussions.Noticeably, however, after spending so many minutes in lesson presentation and class management, students can get restless and fidgety. Often enough, the teacher has to also manage misbehaviour in class as students start to talk among themselves or simply stare away in lack of attention.The SCL Classroom          John Dewey has described traditional learning as a process in which the teacher pours information to student learners, much like pouring water from a jug into cups. This is based on the long accepted belief that the teacher must perform his role of teaching so that learning can occur. This learning approach is generally known as direct instruction, and it has worked well for obtaining many kinds of learning outcomes. The problem with it is that the approach in learning, however, is the fact that the world’s societies have began to change. It may not be felt strongly to countries in which on countries who depends mostly their economy to factory workers. Traditional and direct instruction is very useful in these countries.          In contrast, industrialized societies we find knowledge-based economies in which workers depend on information that can be accessed through information and communication technologies (ICTs). Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and economy in administration, schools in these developed economies have also adopted the support of ICTs. Their students have now become active not passive learners, demonstrating independence and self-awareness in the learning process.

                In high school and college teachers are using advance technology in order to deliver their instruction effectively. As a student we become more interactive and motivated in doing our own study and research. Through Information technology there are now many resources we can look for, but in the traditional way teachers are the only resource we have. it is very helpful in students side.

We are now in the generation where different high technology can be use in different ways easily.  Through this information technology student nowadays become independent in learning their lessons. They become more interactive and motivated in learning things by their own. Yes, there are still others teachers who are still traditional in their way of teaching because also they are in rural areas and electricity and high technology are absent there. We are very lucky to be in a generation where we have an easy access to information in just one click.

Obviously nowadays teachers are using information technology in order to let their student learn in their own selves.  It is a strategy of a teacher in order to help students in their learning. We have learned in the past lesson that computers are now instructional media that teachers use in a teaching and learning process.

Linggo, Setyembre 20, 2015



                  This lesson talks abourt how teachers use the technology as an instructional materials and how technology help them to deliver their lessons effectively where students interact and motivated well.                
   The Computer's Capabilities

                     Based on the two learning theories, the teacher can employ the computer as a/an:

  • An information tool
  • A communication tool
  • A constructive tool
  • As co-constructive tool
  • A situating tool


            When I was in high school our teachers use computer in order to deliver their instruction. They use power points in presenting lessons, use it also in order to show us pictures and videos and many more. 


                Computer is a teachers tool in away that teachers use it as one of the instructional materials in order to deliver the lesson well. Technology nowadays help teachers to deliver their instuction easier, faster and effective to their students.


Todays generation teachers use the technology as a instructional materials. This is very helpful to their part since it help them to motivate their students and also students can explore more on technology. 


                    This topic is all about the effective use of computer inside the four walls of a classroom. 
Computer-assisted Instruction
          The computer can be a tutor in effect relieving the teacher of many activities in his personal role as classroom tutor. It should be made clear, however, that the computer cannot totally replace the teacher shall continue to play the major roles of information deliverer and learning environment controller. 
Even with the available computer and CAI software, the teacher must:
  • Insure the students have the needed knowledge and skills for any computer activity.
  • Decide the appropriate learning objective.
  • Plan the sequence and structured activities to achieve objectives.
  • Evaluate the student’s achievement by ways of test the specific expected outcomes.

CAI Integrated with Lesson
          CAI computer learning should not stop with the drill and practice activities of students. In effect, CIA works best in reinforcement learning through repetitive exercise such that students can practice basic skills or knowledge in various subject area.


                   When I was in high school computer is very helpful in our learning resources. We use different applications and software in order to understand our lessons well. Our teachers also hlp us introduce some technological advances in where we can be interested to learn. It is a one way to motivate us. 

                      Technology nowadays plays an important role in our teaching and learning processes. Through this computer teachers can now deliver there lessons effectively and they can easily gather students attention because this different softwares and applications can be used in order to motivate students and they will learn and interact. 


                      Computer can be used by teachers in order to deliver lessons to the students. We are now in a generation were students are very updated and they want to learn and also to be fun while learning things. There are many softwares and applications in different subject matters that can be use in the teaching process. 

Linggo, Agosto 9, 2015

History of Educational Technology and Information and Technology Communication Revolution

History of Educational Technology and Information and Technology Communication Revolution

Philippine education is patterned after the American system, with English as the medium of instruction. Schools are classified into public (government) or private (non-government). The general pattern of formal education follows four stages: Pre-primary level (nursery, kindergarten and preparatory) offered in most private schools; six years of primary education, followed by four years of secondary education.
College education usually takes four, sometimes five and in some cases as in medical and law schools, as long as eight years. Graduate schooling is an additional two or more years. Classes in Philippine schools start in June and end in March. Colleges and universities follow the semestral calendar from June-October and November-March. There are a number of foreign schools with study programs similar to those of the mother country. An overall literacy rate was estimated at 95.9 percent for the total population in 2003, 96 % for males and 95.8 % for females.

Educational Technology evolves over time. It develops and help us in many ways especially our teachers and as well as, us a student. Astime passes by it improves and also improves our way of living. Edtech is very important today in teaching learning processes and everywhere.

Sabado, Agosto 8, 2015


Lesson 9: Computers as Information and Communication Technology


 Computer assisted instruction (CAI) was introduced using the principle of individualized learning through a positive climate that includes realism and appeal with drill exercise that uses color, music and animation. The novelty of CAI has not waned to this offered by computer-equipped private schools. But the evolving pace of innovation in today’s Information Age is so dynamic that within the first decade of the 21st century, computer technology in education has matured to transform into an educative information and communication technology (ICT) in education. Instructional media consist of audio-visual aids that served to enhance and enrich the teaching-learning process. Examples are the blackboard, photo, film, and video. Educational communication media comprise the media communication to audiences including learners using the print, film radio, and television or satellite means of communication.  


            Computer assisted instruction help students in learning process. When I was in high school we are taught to use some basic applications use for reports, paperwork and other projects. This were excel, word, power point presentations and many more. Even without the access of internet we still can use the computer through these programs.


            Computers today are now very important in teaching and learning process. It makes it more easier work to do. It put students in discovery learning. They can develop their skills and abilities in learning process.

            Computer assisted instruction is very important in learning, it is use as a teaching aid to make teaching more effective especially to the 21st century teachers and learners. Computers can also be use in home, office and everywhere. It is use as a means of communication.


Miyerkules, Agosto 5, 2015


LESSON 8 : Higher  Thinking Skills through IT Based Projects


            This lesson tackles about the higher thinking skills through information technology projects. It has three key elements of constructivist approach, (1) Teacher creating the learning environment, (2) Teacher giving student tools and facilities, and lastly (3) Teacher facilitates learning. Information Technology based projects is very conducive to develop higher thinking skills through this students will be creative and they will go more deeper on what they learn. Resource based projects also use to help students. This are the general flow of events: (1) Teacher determines topic for examination of class. (2) Teacher present the problem, (3) Students firn information, (4) Students organize information. In this way students will be independent in learning. Teacher will be just a mentor and a facilitator in a class, students will be expected to discover answers by themselves. The central principle is to make students go beyond textbook and curriculum. The inquiry based approachor the discovery approach is the approach used by the teachers in order to help his/her students in learning process.
            We all know that the teaching and learning nowadays changes. From the traditional approach to resource based learning, students become more motivated to learn. In traditional approach teachers is the expert and information provider, textbook is key source of the information, product is the be-all and end-all of leaning and assessment is quantitative. While in todays generation which uses the resource based learning model, the teacher is guide and facilitator, sources are varied, it focuses on learning inquiry, it emphasizes on the process and assessment is both quantitative and qualitative.


            As what I have experience, when I was in grade school our teacher help us one on one on our learning process, compare to my sister who is in grade school today they are the one who discover the answer, they have this mini experiment, field trips and many more in which students were free to interact with its other students. They are more student centered approach. When I was in high school that was the moment when I experience the resource based approach, our teachers let us to look for answers and they are just guide and facilitator. It is more amazing today’s approach that was use because students are involves and there is a big change where students learn more that the traditional way of learning.


            As a future teacher, we must change the way, the approaches and the teaching styles we will use since students nowadays are changing and developing. There are more cooperative, participative, more motivated to learn.


            There is lot of teaching strategies today to help our learners to be higher thinkers. We must help them that will develop more their thinking skills using resource based projects. Software’s and applications online can be utilized. Traditional way is good but we must help our student’s to become more globally competitive.