Sabado, Hulyo 18, 2015


This chapter talks about bridging the gap, connecting the past to the present. In the field of our education system, there’s a huge gap and in order to cope up with this gap we need to adapt to some changes at the proper time.  In the third world country, schools do not have the facilities for technology and if schools want to have the digital education it would really take time. And given the speed and power of ICT for change, growth, innovation and this would be critical for the teachers to adopt.  The new generation is expected to have future professionals who will handle the digital world and who will support the needed skills of the students.
            One thing I’ve experience about this kind of situation is that when I was in high school our teacher discuss about something (since I forgot it) then one of my classmate interrupted the class and share about something. Which my teacher brought to confusion. That situation help my teacher to realize that she really need to cope up with students knowledge and abilities. But she also handle that situation when she also relate that thing to her past experience.
            Bridging the generation gap explained the gap between the old and new generation. It’s about how the old generation different from a new generation. As a future teacher we really need to study students’ interest and needs. For we all know that the world is changing. There is always change happening. This development we acquire is also for the development of humans.
Bridging the generation gap explained the gap between the old and new generation. It’s about how the old generation different from a new generation. 

            As a future teacher it is a need that we need to understand the past in order to fully understand the present happenings. We look for its basis from its origin. Since the new generations are expected to face a future professional challenge of digital world ahead of them, technology-supported skills need to be taught in schools today in order for them to have an exposure with the used of new technologies.


            Today’s learners appear smarter, yet they can’t read as their parents do and they are addicted to the Internet. Even in classes, their concentration is questionable as they are uneasy to simply sit and listen. They become alive again through video presentations, group activities and computer classes. Teachers/Educators:  Generally use the traditional education program which is applicable to the learners in the past. They fail to realize that the new learners are information technology or digital learners. New Learners: Spend more time talking to friends over the phone, sending text messages, interacting through the social Internet media example Facebook, playing video games and surfing the World Wide Web.
Feared that the new learners concerns is not well understood, it serves to know that scientists say, as follows:

There are positive benefits derived from the use of information technology or digital resources. 
·         Hence, counterbalance possible negative effects on children
·         Daily exposure to information technology strengthens the brain
·         Current technological revolution is creating an intellectual revolution, faster and better than ever before 19th century psychologist.
 Jean Piaget presented a chart from childhood to adulthood inclusive of the skills/learning pattern. Given the digital age, the chart needs to be modified. Early stages include computer-aided programs nowadays. With the use of modern information technology, multitasking can be developed by the learners.
However, multitasking is needed in the Professional field, dominated by the use of information technology.

            I haven’t   experience about this from my past teachers. I think teachers I have really understand the new generation students.

            As a future teacher it is very important to keep track of our student’s needs and interests. There is always developing, students expand their knowledge from different technologies. Through technology also we can really help students through our instructions.


            As I have said earlier my former teachers really know how to handle new generation students in a way that they can impart knowledge. Well as a future teacher I should do the same thing. Helping yourself to know the different thing changing in this world also means helping our students for the future. 


Educational technology 2 is concerned with “Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning.” Specifically this is focused on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills to learners so that they can become exemplary users of educational technology. Mainly directed to student teachers, also professional teachers who may wish to update their knowledge of educational technology; it is our goal that this course can help our target learners to weave technology in teaching with software becoming a natural extension of their learning tools. Educational Technology 2 will involve a deeper understanding of the computer as well as hands-on-application of computer skills. To infuse technology in the student-teacher training, helping learners to adapt and meet rapid and continuing technology changes in information and communication technology (ICT) environment.
The course objectives are:
·         To provide education in the use of technology in instruction;
·         To impart learning experiences in instructional technology supported instructional planning;
·         To acquaint students on information technology;
·         To learn to use and evaluate computer-based educational resources;
·         To engage learners on practical technology; and
·         To inculcate higher-level thinking and creativity among students.

            Through technology it makes our work easier. I use technology for communicating my relatives and even my classmates. Through technology it is more affordable to make things happen. Another use of technology for me is that I have faster access of the topics or reports I need to read and that is through eBooks. I can really expand my understandings and knowledge through this technology.
Technology nowadays is very important; we used this in everyday life. It can be in communication, to make our work easier. Through technology also it helps teachers and students to enhance learning and develop understanding. We are lucky that the integration of technology into teaching and learning is now in practice and included in the curriculum. With this, even students in the pre-school will learn the value and importance of a computer and other technologies aside from the neophyte knowledge that a computer is only for games and recreation. Technology is really good in the way that it can enhance the instruction.


Technology can be used anywhere it can be at home, office, school and everywhere. We must use technology to develop us a human being, to acquire more knowledge to develop our skills and talents. 

Sabado, Hulyo 11, 2015


Lesson 1: Review of Educational Technology 1

            The Educational Technology 2, lesson one talks about Educational Technology itself. We know that Edtech is the effective use of technological tools in learning. We also talked about the advantage and disadvantage of using technology. Technology is boon in the way that it can be useful to human being, but on the other hand it can harm human if use in other way. We also discuss about the cone of experience and the systematized way of learning of the students.
            In our Educational Technology 1, we’ve learned many things that are very useful as a future science teacher.  One of this is the online virtual class in edmodo. In that way parents can also connect with the teacher and students online. Another is we taught how to edit photos and videos, this is one of the best thing I’ve learn. Another is the rubrics online, the making of cartoon online also. These things are very useful for us future teachers in this new century in making of teaching and learning process productive and students can appreciate and motivated to learn, through this instructional materials and strategies that we’ve learned.
            This lesson help us to recall those lessons we’ve learn and help us realize that those things are very important in a classroom setting to make the teaching and learning process successful. As a student this educational technology subject help me uplift my knowledge on technology and help me to understand the importance of technology in the learning process.

               The Educational Technology 2 will serve as a continuation and expansion of our knowledge based from what we have learned in the previous discussions in Educational Technology 1.